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Blog Archive

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

TO OUR ELDERLY FRIENDS: Be on your way to healthier life in 2020 Jan 15th, 2020

Happy 2020! Starting a new year with new goals can be exciting. Make “feeling your best “your number one goal in 2020.  Being healthy and happy is important at any age and that doesn’t change just because you have more candles on your birthday cake. Remember, Healthy aging means continually...

Don't forget to breathe! Aug 9th, 2019

Sure, we are always breathing, but if we aren't taking special care to increase our oxygentation levels every now and then, we could be living less than optimally. Having adequate oxygen in your body helps your body's immune system long term and helps alleviate stress and acute symptoms as well. ...