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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

Enliven Medical Clinic -  - Internal Medicine

Enliven Medical Clinic

Internal Medicine & Medical Aesthetic Clinic located in Laguna Hills, CA

At Enliven Medical Clinic in Laguna Hills, California, Mozhgan Ashtari, MD, offers intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy to rejuvenate your skin and improve signs of skin discoloration, whether it’s from age, rosacea, or sun damage. Call the office or book an appointment online today to find out how IPL therapy can help you.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy Q & A

What is IPL therapy?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy refers to a cosmetic treatment that uses a filtered flash of bright light to reduce the appearance of discoloration, pigmentation issues, and dilated blood vessels. Sometimes called photorejuvenation or a photofacial, IPL therapy is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure performed with a handheld device placed on your skin.

What conditions can be treated with IPL therapy?

IPL therapy can be used to improve the appearance of several skin conditions, including:

  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Age spots
  • Sun damage
  • Pigmentation issues
  • Visible blood vessels
  • Enlarged pores

The cutting-edge technology of the IPL device allows Dr. Ashtari to reduce the signs of aging or sun damage on various parts of your body.

How does IPL therapy work?

Depending on the condition being treated, Dr. Ashtari places the precise filter on the IPL device so that only a particular wavelength of light will pass through. The light energy enters just beneath the skin's surface and targets either the discoloration or the dilated blood vessels.

The pigment or the red blood cells in the vessels absorb the energy, and the resulting heat damages them. Your body then naturally eliminates the damaged cells.

What are the benefits of IPL therapy?

After an IPL treatment, your complexion becomes more even, and eventually, those brown spots caused by aging or sun damage fade or disappear. Your overall skin tone brightens, and you’ll notice a more youthful appearance.

Several areas of the body can benefit from IPL, including your:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Hands
  • Back
  • Legs

IPL promotes the production of collagen as well, which may contribute to a smoother skin texture.

What can you expect from IPL therapy?

Before your IPL treatment, Dr. Ashtari applies a cool gel to the treatment area to ensure your comfort during the procedure. You may feel a warm, stinging sensation as the handheld device passes over your skin, emitting the pulsed light, but the procedure shouldn't cause any pain. You will not need any recovery time following treatment.

For a few days, your skin may look redder, or your spots may appear darker before lightening. For optimal results, you typically need 3-6 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart.

If you want to improve the look and texture of your skin, call Enliven Medical Clinic today or book an appointment online to see if IPL therapy is right for you.