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Internal Medicine

Enliven Medical Clinic -  - Internal Medicine

Enliven Medical Clinic

Internal Medicine & Medical Aesthetic Clinic located in Laguna Hills, CA

Internal medicine provides the essential health care support you need to live a healthy, quality life. At Enliven Medical Clinic in Laguna Hills, California, you can receive annual exams, women’s health support, important health screenings, and in-office treatments from experienced internal medicine physician Mozhgan Ashtari, MD. She helps you prevent major illness, and if it should strike, she helps you manage it for the long term. Call today for your appointment or book it online.

Internal Medicine Q & A

What types of issues does internal medicine address?

An internal medicine specialist like Dr. Ashtari can meet your conventional medical needs by providing checkups, immunizations, blood pressure checks, wellness management, and comprehensive health screenings.

Dr. Ashtari can also help with acute concerns such as skin rashes, digestive ailments, and the flu. She treats a variety of issues including, but not limited to:

  • Arthritis management
  • Sinus infections
  • Diabetic checks
  • Heart disease management

Enliven Medical Clinic takes a holistic approach to your health.

What is preventive care?

Dr. Ashtari wants to help you prevent chronic disease, which can seriously affect your quality of life. Preventive care can include counseling to help you avert major health problems. It also includes vaccinations, like the flu shot, and screenings, such as mammograms and colonoscopies.

Some ways that Dr. Ashtari supports your health and helps you prevent illness include:

  • Wellness visits
  • Blood tests to check cholesterol, blood sugar, and organ function
  • Standard immunizations
  • Blood pressure screenings
  • Weight monitoring

With proper preventive care, diseases can be caught in their earliest stages and treated before they develop into a serious condition.

Why should I have a regular physical exam?

Even if you feel perfectly healthy, an annual physical exam is important. These checkups help you avoid many common health problems that typically don’t cause symptoms in their earliest stages, such as hypertension and Type 2 diabetes.

This exam is also a time to discuss your lifestyle and how you can take ownership of your health through good nutrition, physical activity, and stress management.

What is involved in women’s health care?

Women have special health care needs, and Dr. Ashtari is equipped to care for them. She can provide pelvic exams and Pap tests for cervical cancer screening, as well as birth control prescriptions and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. With bioidentical hormone therapy, she helps women transition through menopause comfortably.

After age 40, it’s recommended you get a mammogram to screen for breast cancer. Dr. Ashtari sets up a referral for you to get this important test done.

Consult with Dr. Ashtari at Enliven Medical Clinic for all of your general health care needs. Call the office to set up a consultation or use this website.